Monday, 14 December 2015

E.O.T.C Week

This term me and my class had our E.O.T.C. week it was amazing on the first day we had our mini masterchief me, Lucas( and Danny(
we got a score of 24/40 and we made smoothies and mini pizzas later after we ad our first aid course.

The next day we went to the park next to the rec centre ten after we went to the rec centre to go rock climbing.

On wednesday we made clay art sculptures when I made a rugby ball ten in the afternoon my group went abseiling.(this was my favorite part)

Then on the last day we went to the pool for survival skills and ad subway for lunch then we went to the steampunk hq for a build of my team was

we upgraded a steam truck.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Why you should spend less this Christmas

These are the reasons why you should spend less on Christmas this year.
people in America alone spend over $450,000,000 a year but this money could go to people who need it the most like people who need water that's only $10,000,000 and to stop world hunger that’s $30,000,000 year so stop spending money for Christmas and start spending time with your family and give some of that money to people who need it the most. 5 tons of rubbish goes into our world over Christmas from America alone stop spending money and start spending time your time is time is more important.

Monday, 16 November 2015

St Andrew

St Andrew Lived in Bethesaida, Judea and he was a disciple of John the baptist and the first disciple of Jesus.He was born in the early 1st century and died in the mid-late 1st century because of Crucifixion.He is

the patron St of Scotland, Greece, Russia,

Romania and Barbados.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Apparition of Mary

In the afternoon of Sunday 15 January, 1933 at about 7.00PM, Mariette Beco was in the kitchen with her mother while waiting for her younger brother Julien to arrive home at their house in Banneux (a Belgian village fifty miles north-east of Beauraing).She looked out of the window into the dark night again, to see if he was coming and was surprised to see a young lady out in the yard, seemingly made of light and smiling at her. Mariette noticed the oval light that surrounded her body she was bent slightly forward and inclined to the left and was wearing a long white gown with a blue sash, as well as a transparent white veil on her head. Mariette could see a golden rose on her right foot and a rosary with a golden chain and cross hanging on her right arm, which was joined to the left in prayer.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

What We Learnt At Keeping Ourselves Safe

We learnt on keeping ourselves safe all the different types of abuse:

Sexual Abuse:
when someone touches or shows you something to that you don't 
Image result for teaching safetylike.

Physical Abuse:
when someone hurts you by touching you.

Cyber Abuse:
when someone hurts you on the Internet or shows you inappropriate pictures on the Internet.

Emotional Abuse:
when someone hurts you on the inside.

Family Violence:
when violence start because of family members drinking or violence happening to do with family.

Neglect: when you don't get what you need.

We also learnt if you don't like the way someone touches you, tell someone you can TRUST eg. Teachers ,doctors ,parents ,(unless its them abusing)police etc.

When your parents tell you off or ground you that's only a discipline and is not abuse.

The number one rule for keeping ourselves safe is speak confidently when you are talking don't mumble!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Zoe and Aroha are walking home from the dairy eating ice creams. Up ahead of them they noticed an unfamiliar car parked at the side of the road. As they approach, a woman winds down the window and calls the girls over. Reluctantly they approached the car. "Hi Girls. How are you today?" the lady called.
"We're fine thanks," the girls replied. "They look like yummy ice creams. your mum just called me to come and pick you up because she isn't feeling well."
Zoe and Aroha looked at each other and decided to walk the rest of the way home and say no the the lady because they felt unsafe to get into
someone unfamiliar's car because it unsafe to get into a strangers vehicle.
This term we are learning about keeping ourselves safe.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Gangster Granny Character Discription

Your nose hairs will shrivel up then die when you smell Granny's farts.They're worse than the smell of cabbage that You can smell them from two blocks down, I fell sorry for her neighbours. the wrinkle's on her face stair into you soul killing you from the inside out and I can't understand how I live with her.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

I Don't believe in Magic-Richie Mccaw

"I Don't believe in magic. I believe in hard work"-Richie Mccaw. This quote tells me that nothing happens when you want it to happen, it happens if you make it happen, you have to put in 100% in everything you do to succeed. This is why Richie Mccaw is an inspiration to me.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


My term 3 highlights were getting the opportunity to learn how to ski for 8 weeks in the final week we raced, my school came 5th with 6 points. I've enjoyed my sport, playing rugby(as an number 8) and basketball i even made the north Otago team in rugby(playing as lock(5) )but there were a few challenges along the way like learning how to ski.I can't wait till next term because we have EOTC week (education outside the classroom) and the year 7/8's are going to camp so can have more time in our class.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

My next learning steps

I have assessed my
own work in reading,writing
and maths (fractions),and
set myself some next steps:
reading:Understanding punctuation
writing:Using punctuation and creating. paragraphs more often.
maths:Multiplying decimals.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Moon and God

The moon is like God, a mystery no one knows much about. Until Neil Armstrong went to the moon people didn't know much about it.This is like when Jesus came to earth he helped people realise God is real. Like Neil made people realise the moon isn't made out of cheese and has craters and mountains,Jesus helped people build relationships with God.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Book Review

Diary of a Wimpy Kid:The long Haul.
By Jeff Kinney
Reviewed by:  Corbin Fraser

The fictional book I have chosen is the Diary of a Wimpy Kid:The long Haul.  This story is about a long car ride with a family called the Heffleys.  Their plan is to go for a family holiday, but certain things get in there way such as their run in with the Beardos family.

I really liked this book because it was humorous and full of laughter.  Which made it fun to read.  It also made me want to continue to read to find out what happened on their family vacation.
I did not enjoy the start of the book as it was not very exciting, it was explaining all about the family and I already have read a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book before and knew the family members.

The message of the story was that things do not always happen the way you are wanting, but things can change and to look for the positive in every situation.
I recommend this to people with a sense of humour or if you're feeling sad this book will surely cheer you up.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

African Art

Today we learnt how to do African art. With African art you use bright colours with different patterns like dots, stripes and zigzags.Sometimes you can add people carrying baskets and the people don't have a face or details. It is called line art. Here is mine: 

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My Carrer fill out sheet

1. Career:pilot.
2. Complete secondary school with the qualifications of English language, science and mathematics subjects.
3. Good eyesight, good with angle turns and knowing what all the buttons do.
4.Knowing my Maths, I know most things of driving cars and not afraid of heights.
5.Test pilot, astronaut, helicopter
6.$150,000 A YEAR - $300,000 A YEAR
7.Possibly. The future is said to be a set them with hovercrafts and what not.
8.yes it would be a fun job a new experience.
9.I will travel Global

Thursday, 20 August 2015

God Of Wonder

download.jpgA sacrament is a sign that people can see, which tells them something about the power and love of God- Te Atua who cannot be seen.
Gods has made everything and man has used what god has given us to work his why to what we have today for so if you look deep into things you will find what created it all… God for eg. paper, paper came from wood that came from trees, trees came from a tiny seed that god created all thing have a beginning.

True Happiness

Displaying IMG_3780.JPGJoy comes from the inside- it's not from what you want or have. 
If you have heaps of money and you can get whatever, you want more and more, but money cant buy a great big heart. You can't buy friends and you can't buy respect- you earn that by respecting friends and loving family.
Material possessions do not make you happy- happiness comes from the inside. 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Character Discripitan

Gregory Heffley is the main character of the series Diary of a Wimpy Kid who faces difficulties in middle school. He is a 6th-8th grader goes to an unnamed school and town. He is also the "Wimpy Kid". He has a good friendship with Rowley Jefferson who lives down the road. Many of his teachers hate him because they had his older brother Rodrick as a student, and so these teachers expect Greg to be as bad as his brother, Rodrick.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Cross Country

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Take your marks, get set, GO! I ran to the first corner picking up pace. I ran to the top of the hill and had butterflies in my stomach. I felt like I had been running for ages and I got a stitch it- hurt. I neared the finish line and sprinted as fast as I could. I saw people cheering for me I passed the finish line. I felt great.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


sacrament is a special a cation that is preformed in Gods sacred Church
the sacraments (in order) are
1.Baptism, Baptism is when someone is welcomed into gods church.
2.Reconciliation, Reconciliation is when you go to church and let god forgive you of your sins.
3.Confirmation, Confirmation is when a Baptized person gets confirmed as a full member of the church.
4.Holy Eucharist, Holy Eucharist is when someone gets the bread of God.
5.Anointing of the Sick, Anointing of the Sick is when someone ill is anointed with blessed oil.
6.Marriage, Marriage is when you meet someone very nice and decide to be with them forever.
7.Holy Orders,Holy Orders is when you become something to do with the church eg.bishop or a priest.
initiation means admitting someone to a ritual.
there are three sacraments of initiation Baptism,confirmation and holy Eucharist.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

What Makes Me, Me?!


Wishes to travel to space and adventure the solar system.
Dreams of exploring the outdoors and finding new and incredible places.
Wants to be an All Black sprinting down the field at every game.
Wonders about what lives at the very bottom of the ocean.
Fears dinosaurs will return and reptiles will rule the world.
Is afraid of a disease that will kill the world and everyone in it.
Likes exhilarating computer games.
Believes that he can achieve success in all that he does.
Loves having fun playing rugby and other cool sports.

Plans to play rugby for a Super 15 team and the All Blacks.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

My Ski Trip

On Monday 20th of July my school went to Oahu Ski field. We went with Mr C (the year 5 homeroom teacher) and parents. I learnt how to stop walk and was allowed on the magic carpet- a moving carpet that leads you to the top of the beginners ski field. Next week we will hopefully be allowed on the next level.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

On The Ning Nang Nong Poetry Response

I read a poem called On The Ning Nang Nong
and this is my art response
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Paul the Apostle

Paul the Apostle was a Jew and his Jewish name was Saul. He was born in Tarsus, Cecilia. Saul could speak Greek and Aramaic.

His father was a Pharisee and
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his father named Saul after a famous member of the Benjamin tribe. Saul got very annoyed and became enemies with Christians and stoned them to death and when he killed them, Christians would tell him, "You are killing Jesus.

God punished Saul for killing Christians and made him blind and later sent Ananias to make him see again. God changed his name to Paul. Paul became an Apostle and preached the Gospel of Jesus to others.

Not Just A Dream

Image result for just a dreamI stepped out my front door and saw big heaps of rubbish falling, trees rotting and crumbling to the ground, and worst of all there were no cars in sight.

I walked around and explored, finding men on the streets sleeping, broken power lines in water and broken glass everywhere,hold on where am I,what year is it I want to go home 

Wait, thank goodness it was just a dream and that we can change the future for the better.